The Andes
The Andes: more than 7000 kilometers of mountains that cross and unite an entire continent. A haven for biodiversity unique on the planet, a mosaic of cultures and stories.
But mountain ecosystems are especially vulnerable to the effects of climate change on the planet. Nature and the people of the Andes seek appropriate solutions to adapt and increase their resilience.
Adaptation at Altitude -Andes works to promote knowledge management, generating information and comprehensive analysis, and to identify solutions to the issues raised by climate change, in order to integrate them into land management processes and decision-making, from the local to the continental scale.
Adaptation at Altitude – Andes
… is part of the Adaptation at Altitude program, and is implemented by the Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion (CONDESAN) through an agreement with the Swiss Agency for Development (SDC).
In 2023 we celebrate 4 Years of Action for the Mountains
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How we work

Luis Daniel Llambí
We work to analyze and systematize experiences on climate change adaptation strategies, integrating traditional and innovative approaches, in order to promote interchange and knowledge between multiple actors, from the local to the global scale.

Transversal Axes
We have an Andean continental vision, integrating the social and environmental components with a socio-ecological perspective, and with a transversal strategy focused on knowledge management, communication, capacity building and the generation of spaces for dialogue.
The Adaptation at Altitude program is implemented in the 2019-2023 period in the Andes by CONDESAN, through an agreement with SDC.
It works closely with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in the mountain regions of East Africa and the South Caucasus, and with the International Center for Comprehensive Mountain Development (ICIMOD).
It maintains collaborations with global initiatives such as the Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI), the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), the ZOÏ Environmental Network and the WeAdapt program of the University of Geneva, and with key partners in the Andes.
It supports two continental monitoring networks in Andean mountain ecosystems: the GLORIA-Andes Network and the Andean Forest Network.