Knowledge management for
adaptation to climate change:
- Regional knowledge synthesis studies and identification of priority research and working topics.
- Systematization and comparative analysis of experiences on climate change adaptation, emphasizing ecosystem-based strategies and work with local communities (including dissemination through the weADAPT platform).
- Reflection on strategies for monitoring, and evaluation of adaptation to climatic change.
- Design and consolidation of a research agenda and a platform of environmental and social indicators for the Andes.
Strengthening of Comprehensive Monitoring
- Facilitation and strengthening of long-term continental monitoring programs such as the GLORIA-Andes Network and the Andean Forest Network.
- Support for the consolidation of long-term comprehensive monitoring learning sites (e.g. Nevados-Colombia, Tupicocha-Peru).
Consolidation of Andean decision-making platforms for sustainable mountain management
- Strengthening of the Andean Mountains Initiative, a platform formed by the seven Andean countries that seeks the sustainable development of mountains, through the development of strategies based on knowledge, and definition of concrete actions based on exchange and collaboration.
- Visibilization of the discussion of the specific characteristics of adaptation to climate change in a mountain context in spaces for exchange on a national, regional and global scale.
Promotion of exchange
of experiences and training:
- Promotion of science-policy dialogue around evidence-based results on adaptation to climate change, and the sustainable management of mountain socio-ecosystems.
- Exchange of experiences between peers (professionals, local leaders, researchers and decision-makers) regarding conservation, ecosystem management, comprehensive monitoring and Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) strategies in mountain areas.
- Promotion of training spaces for diverse regional actors, on themes like sustainable management of Andean landscapes and adaptation to climate change.